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Where To Acquire Affordable Religious Books For Resell In Your Bookstore

Owning a used bookstore gives you the freedom to sell a variety of titles and genres at affordable prices your customers can enjoy. Many people love books based on religion and spirituality, such as self-help books, songbooks, and autobiographies on famous religious leaders. If you see your religion section lacking, then you need to find some new titles to put on your shelves. Here are places you can look to find affordable religious books you can resell at a nice profit in your used bookstore.

Yard Sales

You'd be surprised at the number of books you can acquire at a yard sale for a great price. Many people receive religious books as gifts, read them a single time, then sell them to create space on their shelves for new titles. You can find religious texts, song and hymn books, and even religious-themed inspirational stories at local yard sales in your area. Many people host yard sales during the weekends of spring and summer months, and if you show up early, you can have a greater selection of books to choose from.


Local churches may be willing to donate books to your used bookstore if you donate a percentage of the profits to charity or back to the churches in your local community. Churches may have an excess of reading material, such as small booklets or songbooks, that you can get for free and later sale for the good of others as well as yourself. Talk to local bishops, pastors, and priests to see if this is an option you can consider.


If you have had many titles requested by customers and you just don't have them, try looking up popular religious authors or texts online to see if you can buy them used at a discount. You can then resell these books to awaiting customers at a small profit you can enjoy. If there are certain titles your customers ask about repeatedly, you may want to order many copies of the same book so you can keep your customer base happy.

If you need to stock your religious section in your used bookstore but you don't have a lot of money to spend, you can get creative in how you acquire new inventory at a price you can afford. From yard sales to local churches, you can stock your shelves with quality religious books that your customers an enjoy while receiving a decent profit you can be proud of. Visit pioneerbook.com for more information.   
